If your child experiences frequent ear infections, they’re not alone. According to a 2020 article, “About 50% of all children will have at least 1 ear infection by the time they reach their second birthday.”
The reason children tend to experience them more often than adults is because their immune systems are less developed, and their Eustachian tubes, which allow fluid to drain from the middle ear, are shorter and more horizontal.
In many cases, an ENT physician will recommend a wait-and-see approach when it comes to ear infections. In the meantime, you can care for your child and their earache by doing the following.
Manage Their Pain with OTC Medications

Most children can be given some over-the-counter (OTC) pain reliever from Lowes Drug in Maryville to help manage discomfort and alleviate fevers. The type and dose depend on your child’s age and weight. You should always consult with their pediatrician before giving OTC pain relievers. However, the general guidelines are:
- Babies under six months: only give acetaminophen (TYLENOL®).
- Children over six months: may also be given ibuprofen (Advil).
- Children of any age: never give aspirin.
Apply a Compress
You can apply either a warm or cold compress to your child’s ear to relieve discomfort. Your child may prefer one temperature over the other, so try both and see what they like more.
Provide Lots of Fluids
To keep your child hydrated, which will help them clear the infection, be sure to provide lots of fluids. If your baby is under six months, they need breast milk or formula, while older children can be supplemented with water and electrolytes.
Elevate Their Head
If you keep your child’s head elevated, it can help relieve the pressure in their ears. Children over the age of two who don’t sleep in a crib can elevate their heads with a pillow. Younger children and those still in a crib should not be given pillows. Instead, you can hold them at an upright angle or put them in their car seat for short periods of time.
Wipe Away Drainage
It’s common for children’s ears to drain when they have an ear infection. If this happens, simply wipe it away. Don’t try to plug the ears with cotton balls or anything else, or this could lead to another infection. To learn more or to schedule an appointment, call Foothills ENT today.